B y the middle of the 16th century, beside Eger and Szigetvár, Gyula became of high importance in the borderline fortification system. The multi level protection was made up by the still standing inner brick castle, surrounded by a trapezoid outer brick castle with a still visible cannon tower on its south-western corner. A plank wall surrounded the outer castle with five bastions, and a four bastion hussar castle made from earth and wood was attached to this.
On the turn of 1565-1566, Sultan Suleiman decided that while he is attacking the Miklós Zrinyi led Szigetvár with the main army, he will send his brother-in-law with an army of 30000 against Gyula. Pasha Pertev arrived under the fortification of Gyula on the 2nd of July, 1566. The castle of Gyula and its demesne had already been governed for six years by László Kerecsényi, former constable of Szigetvár.
For the arrival of the Ottoman army, approximately 1500 Hungarian and Rác (Serbian) infantrymen and cavaliers and 600 German infantrymen gathered in Gyula. Their artillery was limited compared to the size of the enemy; they only had 22 different calibre cannons and howitzers at their disposal. The defenders of Gyula could not expect any help from the far away Habsburg territories.
F ollowing the unsuccessful attack, the Pasha changed tactics. He ordered the protective planks to be shot from the side so that the clay sticking can be damaged, then he set fire to the exposed beams thus creating gaps within the planks.
The pasha’s calculations were correct. Kerecsényi had to give up the outer castle. During the retreat, the defenders could barely get into the inner castle; they were unable to completely destroy the bridges on the water trench behind them.
The attackers started building new trenches right at the retreat to use against the inner castle. The new attack started at the crack of dawn on August 3rd. With the leadership of the recovered István Földvári and János Ghiczy, the defenders were not only able to protect the inner castle, but caused huge losses for the attackers. Apparently the Bejlerbey (head of beys) of Temesvár got seriously injured here as well.